Fórmula Polo

Immerse in the Formula Polo, the unique Arena Polo World Tour circuit with regular seasons unveiling a new style for the sport & international events.

Fast Fun

Fórmula Polo es una Liga Internacional. Busca fomentar el desarrollo del deporte. Los ganadores de los torneos nacionales clasifican para jugar la Copa del Mundo. Fórmula Polo is an International League. It seeks to promote the development of the sport. Winners of national tournaments qualify to play the World Cup.

  • Reglas simplificadas I Simplified rules
  • Copa Mundial Anual I Yearly World Cup
  • Prensa internacional I International Coverage
  • Transmisiones en Vivo I Live Broadcasting

Event Show

Presentación de equipos. Conferencia de prensa. Entrega de premios.
Teams Presentation. Awards Ceremony.


Torneos en las principales ciudades de cinco continentes.
Events in major cities of five continents.

World cup

Los ganadores de cada país juegan la Copa Mundial.
National winners plays the World Cup.

Worldwide Media Partners

Technical Board

Formula Polo’s Technical Board is responsible for establishing the scope and definition of costs, approving the recommended practices, and overseeing the technical program of each event. The Technical Board is responsible for planning, promoting, and monitoring the Formula Polo activities.

  • CEO: Javier Herrera
  • USA: Martin Estrada
  • MEXICO: Tico Garibay
  • SPAIN: Gabriel Iglesias
  • COLOMBIA: Martin Rincón
  • ARG: Mariano Etcheverry
  • UK: Sebastian Sabba
  • FRANCE: Juan Leiva
  • REP.DOM: Alejandro Cleves
  • GERMANY: Valeria Cetraro

Coordination: IQ Sports Marketing

Contact Us


+54 911 5024 1220





On Spotify

The collaborative playlist by @joaquiruizgui